Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Weimar Constitution

Article 47
The Reich President has the supreme command over the armed forces, in their entirety.

This simply means that the German President has absolute power over the military. He has the authority to command Germany’s forces in any way he wishes. However, I found this very important because it shows how there is an imbalance of power when handling the military. This can be very harmful for any nation if the President becomes corrupt because he then can use the military recklessly for his own personal vendetta at the cost of the country’s money and their lives. One man can single-handedly cripple a country if they abused this power. There should always be a balance of power when dealing with the military. One person with too much authority is a disadvantage, hence, the reign of Hitler being a prime example of this.

Article 137
There is no state church…

The state, being Germany, has no official religion that people must follow. This is a right that grants religious freedom for all German citizens. This is important because it didn’t force society to believe in a certain religion. This is beneficial because this allowed society to not feel oppressed about their faith or lack of faith. This gave everyone the willingness to believe in what they wanted. This is still a law that is used in Germany today. Religious freedom is one of the best laws ever implemented in government and society. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you this article 137 is very important. I think everyone should have the freedom to choose or practice any religion of their preference.
