“Business thrives in the ruins. Cities become piles of
ruins; villages become cemeteries; countries, deserts; populations are
beggared; churches, horse stalls. International law, treaties and alliances,
the most sacred words and the highest authority have been torn in shreds. Every
sovereign “by the grace of God” is called a rogue and lying scoundrel by his
cousin on the other side. Every diplomat is a cunning rascal to his colleagues
in the other party. Every government sees every other as dooming its own people
and worthy only of universal contempt. There are food riots in Venice, in
Lisbon, Moscow, Singapore. There is plague in Russia, and misery and despair
Military has become the main industrial focus which is leaving
the world in despair. The economy is suffering. People are dying. The
population is poverty-stricken. Governments are neglecting their homeland and
fail to only focus on international law, its treaties, and alliances. Religion
is no longer shared amongst the majority of people. Finally, governments all
over the world are oblivious to what they’re doing to their own people, but
have the arrogance to notice the flaws of others, thus, causing riots for food
because governments all over the globe are forgetting to provide its people with
support and stability.
This means that governments around the world are forgetting
the main principle which is to protect and serve their people. It seems as if
leaders and politicians are acting careless towards their own countries. The
lust of power seems to be the theme of this passage, and having a strong
military and diplomatic relations are all that matters. This was a time of military industrial dominance,
and chaos was prevalent in most societies. This shows the displaced values in
governments during this period.
I agree with you, Modern day politicians dont really care about their people before they become our leaders they promise a lots of things such as better education, more employment and so on.. but when they obtain their goals they forgert about us.