Friday, January 11, 2013


Paragraph 175 is a law strictly against homosexuality amongst men and bestiality. This sparked a new level of authoritative government controlling how certain sexual interactions are prohibited and therefore punished if performed. The punishment is so severe from a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 10 years according to how serious the sexual offense is. This homophobia made the general public abhor homosexuals because Germany deemed it unnatural. Germany wanted this kind of control over its people, especially to instill fear and rid of any destructive flaws that it may create for the German social status and structure. Germans considered male on male sexual contact to be just as bad as bestiality. They believed homosexuality to be irregular that it goes against German principles and policies.

Sigmund Freud speaks of the pleasure principle which seeks pleasure but avoids pain, but this ideology transcended into the reality principle which is the merely same thing except that it has adapted to the constraints of society. Thus, consequences were introduced for the different types of sexual activities.  Mass culture in Germany was developed through art, media and government. For example, films created a group psychology to evoke a collective emotion from the audience. This was a technique on controlling how to make the people of Germany feel a certain type of way when it came to politics, sexual orientation, religion, patriotism, and system of government. The film, The Blue Angel, heavily emphasized social structure with established rules of behavior and social roles. The lecture further argues the relationship between freedom and duty. What someone feels like doing isn't always the legal thing, but someones duty isn't always the right thing even thought the law says otherwise. Furthermore, the film brought out the unconscionable desires and fears of the middle class which dominated the German population, so influence on that social class for mass manipulation was necessary for the forthcoming of governmental control and social reconstruction to the birth of Nazi Germany.


  1. It truly is disgusting how people react to homosexual relationships. Social constructs are seem so arbitrary but are sometimes as serious as life itself.

  2. I trully believe that it is very difficult to control whaat people do at times. Homosexuality was not embrased at all in Germany and that was why they had punishments for people who behaved otherwise.
