The army that we are building grows from day to day, from
hour to hour. Right at this moment I have the proud hope that once the hour
strikes these wild troops will merge into battalions, battalions into
regiments, regiments into divisions. I have hopes that the old cockade will be
lifted from the dirt, that the old colors will be unfurled to flutter again,
that expiation will come before the tribunal of God. Then from our bones and
from our graves will speak the voice of the only tribunal which has the right
to sit in justice over us.
Hitler is stating in his defense that he’s building an armed
force so strong that it will be the return of prospering vitality in Germany
again. He claims to turn Germany around from a weak dying state run by a
Republic into a sovereign state run by a new more effective form of government
which later became Nazism. Hitler suggests that the army he will create will be
one of the strongest ever, and they will fight to make what Germany should have
been if they hadn’t lost the First World War. The Republic was a failure, but
he believes he can be the difference for Germany and its future.
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