Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dada Manifesto - Hugo Ball

"Each thing has a word, but the word has become a thing by itself."

-Hugo Ball

My interpretation is that Hugo is mocking the art of language, but more specifically the art of manipulation. Hugo is stating that we use words regularly, but we do not think or understand their effects and underlying meanings. I believe Hugo wants society to think about what is being exposed to us and how we should interpret these things correctly and accurately. Media is one of the biggest forms of manipulation and word twisting entities we have always had, but if we pay attention to not what's just being said, but what the motive and reason for why it is being said and how, we'll be a lot smarter. Hugo Ball is basically warning us to be cautious and not to be fooled by whats constantly being told to us, and that doesn't just mean media either. It could even be anyone you know like friends or family. There is always a reason for what is said and how it comes across. 

I chose this quote because I thought it was a bit confusing at first, but it pondered my interest. I do agree with what I think is being said which is to be careful of what we're all told because everything isn't always what it seems. For example, the quote makes me think about how the U.S. government and the media portrays global issues to us as if we're the ones being attacked and and we're defending our liberty, but in reality we're in other countries to maximize profits through rebuilding infrastructures to cripple and control their economies and to steal their natural resources. This is a form of manipulation that Hugo Ball is talking about and it is deception at its best. Ultimately, I think Hugo Ball is trying to say everything has its own meaning and we should never underestimate anything or anyone. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the fact that we do not have to believe in everything we are told for they may be all lies. There is a sying that all that glitters is not gold. Hence we need to be very carefull of what we choose to do and what we belive in when it is presented to us.
